在校园关闭或其他紧急情况下,你可以继续教学. 有些东西是无法通过距离来复制的.e. labs); however, 通过思考如何继续教授内容来做好准备,对于成功的模式转变至关重要. 


Regardless of experience level, 有多种选择,将允许课程继续通过在线工具. The one thing that remains the same, regardless of experience, is that a smooth move to online teaching, regardless for how long, is planning. A good online course is planned and designed; it is not just a matter of turning on the web cam and recording your lecture.

Identify plans ahead of time:

在课程大纲中预先说明紧急情况和期望. 包括在校园关闭时使用的程序和工具等详细信息. 学习者应该确切地知道该怎么做,这样他们就可以做好相应的准备. 这应该每学期更新一次,这样课堂才能顺利进入新的格式.

Communicate with your students right away:

Communicate with learners as soon as possible. 通知他们变更,并提供您对检查电子邮件或Moodle的期望方向, so you can remain in touch.


对于学生和老师来说,在线学习通常会花费更多的时间, 因此,如果一个人试图满足相同的字面联系/作业时间, it quickly becomes overwhelming. 


  • multiple and repeated questions,
  • regular online communication; this could be daily, every other day, or even every third day, but use email, announcements, and chat features where possible. 
  • having to remind students what is expected of them, what homework they have, and when they have assessments. They will forget, so remind them.
  • 避免繁忙的工作,把你的学习成果放在课程的中心.

Rearrange course activities:

无论你是面对面的,你都可以得到同样的学习结果, hybrid, or fully online; however, seat time can not be measured as easily. 想想你的讲座内容、作业、活动、评估,当然还有时间表. Do not be afraid to adjust where and how necessary.

  • 将同步活动设置为异步,以减轻调度挑战
  • 不惩罚由于缺乏或不良的互联网接入或与无障碍相关的因素而不能参加的学生.
  • 您可能希望保持正常的课程安排, since they are already used to that; however, 记住,他们可能有其他的要求,当他们在学校上课时没有.
  • 确保学生熟悉你使用的任何工具. 尽可能提供教程、清晰的方向和选项. 
  • 准备好重新考虑之前的一些期望, including participation, communication and deadlines. 准备好公平地处理延期或住宿的请求.


  • Email for direct communication. 
  • Zoom与您的学生进行实时通信,并在线托管您的课程.
  • Moodle for course announcements, assignments, course materials, lecture notes or PowerPoints, quizzes, assessments/exams, and forum discussions. Moodle is an accessible platform.